It's time to play!
Have some fun
on a summer day!
I've no time to Blog,
No time to write,
I'm walking this log
And fishing this lake!
I can't stop to Tweet,
I'm running around
And moving my feet.
And moving my feet.
If you hear a Twitter,
Know it's not me,
I'm baking a fritter!
I'm going to cook!
I'm going to sculpt!
I'm having a look,
I'm going to cook!
I'm going to sculpt!
I'm having a look,
at a horse I might ride.
I'll be picking up litter,
At the river clean-up day.
So if you see me out,
Just say "Hey!"
But don't look for me here.
Wait till September.
At the next school year!
~~By Red Fox and Mom