We just hit 1000 views! To celebrate, we're going to help out with an online charity all week. Black Bear has introduced us to FREE RICE. It's an organization that allows you to donate rice to the hungry by answering educational questions. Homeschoop! is holding a FREE-RICE-ATHON until Saturday May 7th. Go to the Free Rice website and drop us a comment to tell everyone how many grains of rice you helped to donate!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
FREE-RICE-ATHON! 1000 views!
feed the hungry,
free rice,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Grammar, Adventure Style!
![]() |
This picture doesn't do anything. In fact, it doesn't even have much to do with the rest of the post! |
Dear Black Bear,
My mom has helped me write this story that you're going to now help complete.
Just fill in these parts of speech and we'll plug them into the story. Then we'll post your story!
Adjective - mad
creature - t.rex
amount -1,000,000
adjective - happy
noun. - home
past tense emotion - excited
verb - run
occupation title - actor
verb - jump
verb - swim
noun - bag
mode of transportation - skateboard.
type of clothing - shirt
weapon - sword
amount of time - 1 hour
food - baken.
type of entertainment - T.V.
type of entertainment - movie
type of entertainment - Wii
verb - climb
adjective - silly
color - green
past tense verb - went
past tense verb - caught
past tense verb - ran
past tense verb - swam
sporting activity - soccer
type of world record - biggest bubble gum bubble ever blown
sporting event - golf
verb ending in ING - playing
adverb - smartly
--Red Fox
Monday, April 18, 2011
Nearly to 1000!!!
Our views are nearly to 1000 and we'd like to celebrate by having a Free-Rice-athon!
http://www.freerice.com/ We're going to play FREE RICE every chance we can on the day our website hits 1000 views. We want to encourage every homeschool kid to do the same with their family. This is an educational way to donate rice to the hungry. THEN post back here to let us know how many grains of rice you scored for the hungry! Who can post the most?
Here's what Snopes.com has to say, if you want to check them out: TRUE http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/freerice.asp
The rice is distributed by the United Nations World Hunger Program. Each time you answer a trivia question correctly, 10 grains of rice will be donated. It's quick and easy to donate a lot of rice by progressing through the levels of each category.
But you don't have to wait for 1000 views! You can start now if you like.
Another great site to check out is The Hunger Site. You can actually feed the hungry by clicking on their page. HOW DOES IT WORK???? The advertisers pay for every person who clicks each day. http://www.thehungersite.com
~~Home Schoop! Team
http://www.freerice.com/ We're going to play FREE RICE every chance we can on the day our website hits 1000 views. We want to encourage every homeschool kid to do the same with their family. This is an educational way to donate rice to the hungry. THEN post back here to let us know how many grains of rice you scored for the hungry! Who can post the most?
Here's what Snopes.com has to say, if you want to check them out: TRUE http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/freerice.asp
The rice is distributed by the United Nations World Hunger Program. Each time you answer a trivia question correctly, 10 grains of rice will be donated. It's quick and easy to donate a lot of rice by progressing through the levels of each category.
But you don't have to wait for 1000 views! You can start now if you like.
Another great site to check out is The Hunger Site. You can actually feed the hungry by clicking on their page. HOW DOES IT WORK???? The advertisers pay for every person who clicks each day. http://www.thehungersite.com
~~Home Schoop! Team
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Homeschool Families
If you're a homeschool family, parent or child who blogs, we'd like to link to you! Please share your blog url with us so we can share it with others.
Thanks,The Home Schoop! Team
homeschool dad,
homeschool family,
homeschool kids,
homeschool mom,
homeschool parent,
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Buffet Table
What food are you bringing to the party?? Post your favorite party food in the comment section and we'll imagine that's what you brought along to share. We know it will be delicious!
cyber buffet,
educational game,
homeschool family,
homeschool kids,
imaginary food,
GAME: Continue the Story
Add a few sentences to continue the story. Use the comment section to play. Please, no crude humor, inappropriate topics or bad language, thanks!
There once was a lonely fisherman sailing on the ocean. He threw out his line and got a tug right away.
He reeled in his line and to his surprise, found a......
(Continue the story)
There once was a lonely fisherman sailing on the ocean. He threw out his line and got a tug right away.
He reeled in his line and to his surprise, found a......
(Continue the story)
Game: Random Trivia!
The first person asks an educational question. The second person must answer it. IF they are correct, they can post a new question. Use the comment section to play. Please don't post anything inappropriate.
How many inches are in 2 yards?
How many inches are in 2 yards?
educational game,
trivia game
GAME: Word Pop!
In this game, the first person types the first word that pops into their brain. The second person reads that word and types the first word that pops into their brain. And so it continues. Use the comment section to play this game. Remember, keep it clean and don't post anything inappropriate.
online party,
thread game,
word game
Thursday, April 14, 2011
It's 'Play Chess' Day!
"Uh...that's weird, mom. Why is there ballet music coming from our blog?"
We removed the music player last night and were stumped to hear music coming from Home Schoop! this morning.
Well the music is because Red Fox's mom decided to try fixing the broken chess game in the footer. She had the sound muted and didn't even hear it.
So, this is 'Play Chess' day at Home Schoop! because the ballet music has got to go and this may be your only chance!
~Home Schoop!
P.s. Drop us a comment to tell us who won your chess games! And visit our zoo while you're at it! Black Bear and Red Fox have been working hard at making cyber pets.
~Home Schoop!
P.s. Drop us a comment to tell us who won your chess games! And visit our zoo while you're at it! Black Bear and Red Fox have been working hard at making cyber pets.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
It's Time To Party! Scroll Down for Games and Food!
Welcome to our 500 Celebration Party! We've only been blogging our Homeschool Adventures for less than a month, but we've already reached 500 views!
To celebrate, we're playing five different "post and comment" games (which use your intellect) and sharing our favorite foods! To play, just use the comment box for that game posting.
Continue the Story Game
Random Trivia Game
Word Pop Game
Be Careful What You Wish For Game
Answer with a Question Game
To share your cyber food, please list it in the comment section of our Buffet Table post.
Continue the Story Game
Random Trivia Game
Word Pop Game
Be Careful What You Wish For Game
Answer with a Question Game
To share your cyber food, please list it in the comment section of our Buffet Table post.
We hope you enjoy the music, games, fun and food. Homeschoolers really know how to have fun.
**Comment Moderation is turned on. Expect to wait a few minutes before your post is approved. We're sorry we have to do this, but it's the only way to ensure it's safe and fun for everyone. If only the world were a perfect place... Thanks for understanding!
online party,
thread games
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
GAME: Be Careful What You Wish For!
How this game works:
The first player makes a wish. The second player must first grant their wish, but with a dastardly twist AND second, make their own wish. Remember not to be mean or say things that are inappropriate!
The first player makes a wish. The second player must first grant their wish, but with a dastardly twist AND second, make their own wish. Remember not to be mean or say things that are inappropriate!
Bob: I wish I was taller!
Bob: I wish I was taller!
Fred: Poof! You're 40 feet tall and can no longer fit inside your house!
My wish is to have summer vacation get here now!
GAME: Answer A Question With A Question
In this game, you must answer the before question with another question. The only way to lose, is to answer with a statement instead of a question. This game can be lots of fun.
First question:
What's the coolest thing about homeschooling?
(answer and continue playing in the comments).
First question:
What's the coolest thing about homeschooling?
(answer and continue playing in the comments).
thread game
Monday, April 11, 2011
Surprise!! You'll soon be at 500!
Black Bear and Red Fox, you guys make an incredible team. Last time I looked, you were up to 428 views!
I propose that we have an online "party" when your blog reaches 500 views. We'll have music. We'll play thread games and have cyber food...which amounts to imaginary food. We can even invite all your homeschool friends to join the fun.
Way to go on a good blog and improving your writing skills!
~~Mama Fox
Friday, April 8, 2011
The Dugong - by Black Bear
Dugongs are mammals. The dugong is related to the dolphin. It is most closely related to the extinct Steller's sea cow. They look similar to the manatee but have some differences. Unlike the manatee, the dugong never ventures into fresh water. They live in salt water where they feed on sea grasses. Dugongs live in both the Indian and Pacific oceans. They are found off the coast of Austrailia, Madagascar, Thailand, Indonesia and even Japan. The dugong and the manatee also have different types of tails. The dugong has a tail more like a whale and the manatee tail is paddle-like. Dugongs have tusks. Dugongs can live to be over 70 years old in the wild if they have the right habitat and are not threatened by humans. I found a fun song about dugongs on youtube when we searched dugongs on the internet. The only problem with the song is that it says that dugongs and manatees are the same thing, but they aren't. I still wanted to share the song because it's just fun! Make sure you have your mom's permission to watch and BEWARE...this song will get stuck in your head for days!
Information found at www.sirenian.org/dugong.html Video found at youtube.
Information found at www.sirenian.org/dugong.html Video found at youtube.
sea cow
The Rhinocerous--by Red Fox
Rhinos are very cool and fierce animals. They are really big. The tallest are six and a half feet tall and weigh 8,000 pounds at the heaviest. They like to eat plants. They don't even touch meat. They have very thick bones. Their legs are the thickest. Their bones have to be able to hold up their weight.
There are five types of Rhinos: Black, White, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran. Their horns are made directly out of hair and are very tough. Their horns are attached loosely so that they can fall off if they hit something too hard and get stuck. Some people like to hunt them and kill them for their horns.
When a rhino is about to be attacked by surprise by a tiger, the rhino can tell because it sees out of the corner of it's eye. So it jabs it's horn into the tiger as it leaps and skewers the tiger.
A rhinoceros' eyesight is very poor. They may charge at things just to be on the safe side to make sure it is something friendly. Their eyesight is so bad that sometimes people see them charging at rocks and trees.
I'd like to have a pet Rhino, but before I could even pet it, I'd be squished.
Zoo Books: Rhinos, July, 1997
There are five types of Rhinos: Black, White, Indian, Javan, and Sumatran. Their horns are made directly out of hair and are very tough. Their horns are attached loosely so that they can fall off if they hit something too hard and get stuck. Some people like to hunt them and kill them for their horns.
When a rhino is about to be attacked by surprise by a tiger, the rhino can tell because it sees out of the corner of it's eye. So it jabs it's horn into the tiger as it leaps and skewers the tiger.
A rhinoceros' eyesight is very poor. They may charge at things just to be on the safe side to make sure it is something friendly. Their eyesight is so bad that sometimes people see them charging at rocks and trees.
I'd like to have a pet Rhino, but before I could even pet it, I'd be squished.
Zoo Books: Rhinos, July, 1997
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Animal Off Results
The Animal-Off was a close race. Here are the results after being alphabetized and tallied in Excel.
Out of a possible 40,000,000 animals, we have:
First Place:
Red Fox: 131 (excluding duplicates, fictionals and fakes)
Second Place:
Black Bear: 126
Great job guys!! You know a lot of amazing animals. I'd love to see you both write about one of these animals this week and post it as an article for your blog!
--Mama Fox
Out of a possible 40,000,000 animals, we have:
First Place:
Red Fox: 131 (excluding duplicates, fictionals and fakes)
Second Place:
Black Bear: 126
Great job guys!! You know a lot of amazing animals. I'd love to see you both write about one of these animals this week and post it as an article for your blog!
--Mama Fox
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