Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grammar, Adventure Style!

This picture doesn't do anything. In fact, it doesn't even have much to do with the rest of the post!

Dear Black Bear,

My mom has helped me write this story that you're going to now help complete.
Just fill in these parts of speech and we'll plug them into the story. Then we'll post your story!

Adjective - mad

creature - t.rex

amount -1,000,000

adjective - happy

noun. - home

past tense emotion - excited

verb - run

occupation title - actor

verb - jump

verb - swim

noun - bag

mode of transportation - skateboard.

type of clothing - shirt

weapon - sword

amount of time - 1 hour

food - baken.

type of entertainment - T.V.

type of entertainment - movie

type of entertainment - Wii

verb - climb

adjective - silly

color - green

past tense verb - went

past tense verb - caught

past tense verb - ran

past tense verb - swam

sporting activity - soccer

type of world record - biggest bubble gum bubble ever blown

sporting event - golf

verb ending in ING - playing

adverb - smartly

--Red Fox


  1. You can post your reply for each one next to the part of speech it is for by editing this post instead of replying with a new one. Or use the comment section if you want.

  2. Sorry it took us a few days to fill these in. Camping and other activities took a lot out of Mama Bear last week!
