Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An Adventure STORY by Red Fox and Black Bear

The Final Story:  Written by Red Fox, Add Ins By Black Bear
Once upon a time there was a mad T-Rex. It ate a million
happy homes. The neighboring kingdom was excited
that the mad T-Rex would run for them next. It was only a matter of time until it did. They needed an actor to jump
They thought and thought all day, until finally, their daughter came up and said “Let's get the actor of the swim bag !” And the actor arrived and said “I'll need a skateboard Two of them!” They wondered why he would need two, but they gave him two of their best skateboards . And even though he already had a shirt on, he said “I'll need a shirt too.” And even though he already had a sword, he said “I'll need the best sword too”.
Finally, when he had all his gear, he went up to the king and queen and whispered in their ear that he wanted a companion. And the companion would be their daughter. At first they didn't want to. But he told them “If you want the mad t-rex to leave, I have to have your daughter. So the king and queen agreed. Then the two went out to slay the mad t-rex. 1 hour later, they all had mad t-rex bacon. The whole village threw a party with TV and movies and Wii Games. The end!
But how did they climb the mad t-rex”, you ask?
This mad t-rex happened to be a silly green t-rex. Well, the actor went out and caught him. Then the girl ran inside his mouth and cut him up before she got swam. Since she enjoyed soccer in her spare time and held the world record for biggest bubble gum bubble ever blown, this was no problem for her. She was also a champion golfer so playing him up was no sweat.
The two got married and lived smartly ever after.
The end.

Once upon a time there was a huge blob monster. It ate a whole entire village. The neighboring kingdom was terrified that the evil monster would come for them next. It was only a matter of time until it did. They needed a hero to save them.
They thought and thought all day, until finally, the princess came up and said “Let's get the knight of the golden dragon!” So, the knight arrived and said “I'll need a steed. Two of them”. They wondered why he would need two, but they gave him two of their best steeds. And even though he already had armor on, he said “I'll need armor too”. And even though he already had a sword, he said “I'll need the best sword too”.
Finally, when he had all his gear, he went up to the king and queen and whispered in their ear that he wanted a companion. And the companion would be their daughter. At first they didn't want to. But he told them “If you want the blob monster to leave, I have to have your daughter. So the king and queen agreed. Then the two went out to slay the blob monster. Three hours later, they all had blob monster shishkabobs. The whole village threw a party with fire breathers and sword swallowers and jesters. The end!
But how did they defeat the blob monster”, you ask?
This blob monster happened to be a big clear blue blob. Well, the knight lured him out and distracted him. Then the girl jumped inside his mouth and cut him up before the fluids digested her. Since she enjoyed deep sea diving in her spare time and held the world record for longest time holding her breath, this was no problem for her. She was also a champion fencer, so chopping him up was no sweat.
The two got married and lived happily ever after.
The end.

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